Green Jacket Wet Story

What a super warm day it was a few days ago and after receiving a beautiful green jacket and some jewelry as a gift, it just dawned on me how great that green jacket would look wet. I applied some eye make up and false eyelashes as I prepared to take some video and photos of this outfit I had. I had thought about it a day or two before and in thinking of it, I had charged the battery on my camera just in case I felt in the mood to do it!

On the day I decided to do it, the house was quiet and I quickly started to prepare by turning on the pool heater to warm up the swimming pool a little bit as it was only April! I went back to my room and continued to finish my make up and then I only needed to decide what I should wear with the green jacket. I chose a white mini skirt and a white tank top and topped it off with a pair of black “over the knee” boots! They were “wet look boots” in they were very shiny and slick and almost vinyl looking with a super pointed heel. I was all set to go and then suddenly there was someone ringing the doorbell and I was losing time anyway so I removed the boots and ran out to see who was at the door. Lo and behold, it was the pool man coming a day early so that set me back another hour to wait for him to clean the pool. He looked at me oddly as he saw me all dressed up!

He finished his work and left and now it would be my time to get wet and have a great refreshing swim. I was super excited to see how this green jacket would look once it got wet.

I remembered I had some work to do for a project at work and brought my legal pad out to the pool as well as a water to drink as it was starting to get warm outside. It was one of those rare days where it was warmer than normal, but to my delight. As I took down some note I had brainstormed earlier in the week I started to feel energized just thinking about getting into the pool especially with the tall boots I had on. I finished my notes and then carefully walked over to the pool being very careful as the boots were very difficult to walk in as the heels were very tall. As I got to the pools edge, I was smiling and happy. I had called a girlfriend of mine early in the day and she had just arrived. I gave her my camera and told her to take a video of me… She looked at me like I was crazy, and the rest is history. She took a video of me while I went into to pool completely clothed in the super tall boots and I had a complete blast. She indulged me and took the video and some photos for me as well. Well, even if she thought I was weird, she was so good about it and I appreciate her helping me because it’s fun to catalogue what I do with wet look.
If you have an inclination, you may want to see the video which will be posted later in the week and there are two photos sets with this outfit which are on the website for you to get a sneak peek. Thanks for watching!

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