Due to the nature of digital media downloads as a service rather than a physical returnable product, all downloadable media sales at are FINAL once the download process has been successfully initiated and completed by the customer. Downloading services are provided on a strict NO REFUNDS basis. If you have a problem with a file not being playable, please take the time to update your operating system on your device and use VLC (free) or Quicktime or Windows Media Player or other media player. Also, some files are 1 GB and large so allow adequate time to download the file! If you are asking for a refund, please provide screenshots and data with evidence that the file did not download or is not playable. All refund requests with be handled via PayPal Resolution Center.

Customers should examine the media thoroughly using the provided description before purchasing to ensure that it suits their interests and expectations. There are no refunds if you purchase an item MORE than one time.

Cases opened at the Resolution Center of Paypal by any customer purchasing a download product from our Online Store, we at Wetlook Angels.com reserve the right to wait before Paypal and Wetlook Angels investigate the issue before making any decision on any refunds. Customers agree to this notice and understand that a purchase of a downloadable product constitutes agreement with our policy. Thank you.

Due to the nature of digital media downloads as a service rather than a physical returnable product, all downloadable media sales at are FINAL once the download process has been successfully initiated and completed by the customer. Downloading services are provided on a strict NO REFUNDS basis unless customer can prove that file is not downloadable.

Customers should examine the media thoroughly using the provided description before purchasing to ensure that it suits their interests and expectations. There are no refunds if you purchase an item MORE than one time.