Country Low Rider Jeans

Yesterday was 103 degrees and while out visiting the countryside she thought about getting wet in her thrift store low rider jeans. The time was right and no one was around. She filled the cattle water trough with a hose until it filled up and then she got her camera ready because it would be so fun to see how the wet jeans looked with a crop top.. Well, once the water filled up and she was down with her chores, she tested the temperature. It was about 5pm and the sun was going down low behind the barn. She slithered into her jeans and her crop top and set her camera on top of a ladder and proceeded to get all wet.
The water was perfect and the mood started to feel so great. Free, spirited, fun and happy was all she could think. She wondered what people would think about her swimming in a horse trough but she really didn’t care.
It was wonderful and it was wet and besides that she saved on having to take a shower! Enjoy the video for Gold Members!

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